Monthly Archives: December 2010

Golf Fitness Articles: Info On The Backswing Pivot

According to golf fitness articles and other trustworthy sources, an efficient backswing requires your physical body to do express things. You can make this move without these many physical parts in place but the result will presumably be less than ideal. Backswing faults ( bio-mechanical inefficiencies ) include loss of posture / backbone angle, sway, reverse pivot, [...]

Golf Fitness Articles: How To Prevent Any Lower Back Pain

Most golfers will experience some sort of lower back pain over the course of time. The personality of the golf swing is inherently bad for the human spine. Forward flexion ( bending forward ) blended with revolution ( twisting ) creates torsional strains across the spine including the discs, the joints between each vertebra, the [...]

Golf Physical Therapy: Golf Article On Core Stabilization Exercises

If you suspect golfers are not athletes take one look at Tiger Woods or Camilo Villegas, Annika Sorenstam or Natalie Gulbis. These current day golfers are serious athletes and their golf explicit exercise plans are serious exercising schedules. If you are a heavy golfer who wishes to improve your golf performance you must take your [...]

Golf Fitness Articles: How You Can Achieve Flexibility, Strength And Balance

A golf fitness program should have a comprehensive plan to maximise your total golf performance. By improve it means your improved capability to safely make a dynamic swing that is biomechanically sound, avoiding any injury that might occur and give you the maximal distance you want with each club. A good basic golf fitness program [...]

Golf Articles: Golf Fitness Program Of Today

Golf specific fitness is not just for tour players any more. Any golfer can tune their body to improve performance by following a golf specific coaching program. Obviously the average recreational golfer does not have the money or time a tour player has to speculate in a hi tech home gym or spend ages each [...]