About Search Engine Optimization

About Search Engine Optimization

One of the most effective ways of driving free traffic to your web site is by encouraging the major search engines to rank your site more highly than those of your competitors. When they do this and someone searches for the kind of information that you offer from your site, it is one of your pages that will be presented to them on the search results page.

When an individual searcher is looking for information by using one of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN, it is an established fact that most people prefer to look for the information by clicking on one of the natural search results on the left-hand side of the results page, as opposed to an advert which is shown on the right-hand side. Consequently, if your webpage for an individual search term is featured near the top of the left hand side of the page, you will see visitors on your site from that search page.

This is what search engine optimization is all about. You need to do whatever you can to make sure that every page of your site is as search engine friendly as possible, because the easier you make it for the search engines to rank those pages, the more likely they are to do so. (For more detailed information on flipping websites as a way to make money on the internet.)

There are two distinct elements to SEO, one of which is far more important than the other.

Firstly, you have on-page search engine optimization, which is all about making sure that the scripting language code which underpins every individual page of your site is the way that search engines would like it to be. On-page optimization used to be the main criterion by which the search engines would rank your site, but nowadays it is far less important than it was.

To a large extent, on-page optimization has been replaced by off-page optimization in terms of importance, and it is upon off-page optimization that you should therefore focus most of your SEO efforts.

However, in the interests of presenting a complete overview, let us look at both of these aspects of SEO in turn. (Learn more about a great way to make money from home by flipping websites.)

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